The parts listing panel is the bulk of information displayed within the asset manager. Highlighted in this example →
This panel functions in a very similar way to the asset controller panel in terms of style and behaviour and provides a functionally similar role to the SAM1 “Currently Fitted” functionality. This panel expands vertically to display all applicable parts, scrolling within the main browser window
This controller is defined as follows:
Panel Tabbed Header
The header of the panel is a “tabbed” variant, allowing the user to switch between different part groups (assemblies). The number of tabs in this control will be determined by the number of assemblies configured for this asset PLUS the first tab with the title “ALL” which will show all assets regardless of type.
The behaviour behavior of this tabbing function is functionally identical to the tabs described in Section Asset Controller with the small exception that the assembly tabs do not utilise utilize a glyph (icon) for each assembly / group.
The behaviour behavior in terms of selecting either the entire list of parts via the “All” tab or a single assembly works on the same principle.
The numbering system in each tab (assembly) is also slightly different, whereby two numbers are displayed.
These are defined as: [number of 2MT parts] / [total parts] an example is shown below;
Panel Parts Area
Within the panel area, the details of all parts are displayed in an enquiry view very similar to the view in the asset controller.
The content of the parts panel is defined as follows:
2MT Part Indicator - A circular icon with the 2MT logo that indicates that this is a 2MT-supplied part. If you are unsure, a tooltip will appear with this information when you mouse-over this icon. If the part is not a 2MT part, then no glyph is displayed.
Part Name - The name of the part, followed by an ID controller for the part. Below this in normal text is the part’s serial number.
Part - The part’s (product) name and associated ID controller. If the part has a “common name” defined, this is displayed below it.
Sub-Assembly - A part may be configured against a sub-assembly. If so, this is shown in this column
Manufacturer - The manufacturer code ( in bold text) and name
Position - The current installation position for this part
Date Fit - The date that this part was fitted to the asset
Production - The current production associated with this part, recorded against the part’s configured ‘target life’ Next to this a percentage value is shown to indicate the state of this part against its target life. If the part exceeds 100%, it is coloured Red.
Print -The only user-configurable setting within this control – this control allows the user to specify their preferences for including or excluding a specific part in the standard print output for this asset
Row behavior
When the user’s mouse is over one of the sites listed in the control, the background of the row will be highlighted
When a user selects a specific row by way of a single click, this will reveal the “View Part” modal
Columns are sortable. Use the arrows to order the data.
The Part (fit in place) section now contains;
New/ Refurbished field - Along with an icon to indicate if the product / part is considered “new” or was supplied as a refurbished part. As per the examples, a large green check mark is shown for a new part and a “recycle” icon is shown for a refurbished part.
Unlike a new part, there is no real need to define an alternate price list for a refurbished part and there is also a much higher likelihood that the price for such a part would be determined at the point when the part is applied to an asset, as opposed a new part where the price is mostly driven by the price list.
This will give the user doing the part change full control as to if the product selected will be applied as a new part or a refurbished part.