When the user selects a specific account (or property) it will be displayed as a navigation page. This view includes a header which represents the account or property name, followed by three tabs which relate to the three main areas of functionality available within this view.
Regardless of the tab that is displayed, this header will remain to provide consistency between the tabs that are shown. The elements contained within this header are as follows:
- Title - The full name of the property.
- Modify Icon - (ADD LINK HERE!) Navigates to the Change Registration page.
- Tabs -
- Summary - all available reporting data for the selected account or property
- Meters - all current water meters associated with the account
- Alerts - alerts which are available for a specific property
Summary Tab
The contents of the main summary tab are divided into several sections. The intention of this view is to show all available reporting data for
the selected account or property, with controls to drill down further into consumption data or other elements.
There are two main sections of the summary tab layout. These are the top section of “Metrics” and the bottom section of “Water Use”. The metrics portion inside the tab should remain fixed on the screen, where as the water use section should scale to fit the remaining space below. Testing on different device resolutions should be performed to ensure that this scales in a way which maintains usability, otherwise it may be necessary for portions of this frame to scroll internally.
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Meters Tab
The second of the three tabs within the account / property summary will display all current water meters associated with the account with associated details as per the example shown in Figure 40. In the majority of cases, only a single water meter would be shown, though some properties or accounts may have many to display.
It should be noted as described in Section 5.7.1 that the data contained within this tab will have already been synced by the time it has been opened from the management portal.
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Alerts Tab
The third tab for a selected property or account is the “Alerts” tab. This tab shows all of the alerts which are available for a specific property, with functionality to change those alerts as shown in Figure 41. All alerts are shown in a list, with alerts configured as “on” appearing with a swatchGRN green icon and the text “ON” next to them.
The disabled alerts will appear grey and the text “OFF”.
Selecting one of these alerts will allow the user to modify the details of the alert as per the example shown in Figure 42. The main part of this configuration is if the alert is “ON” or “OFF” which is determined by a selector at the top of the window. The other elements of the alert (which are all determined from MiWater) function as select controllers for the available options.
It should be noted that the default notification type for all alerts with the exception of the emailed reports will become “Push Notification”
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