From the main menu, the “Advice Search” “Advice Search” button will display a form with the following search fields:
- Advice
- ID - System advice ID
- Status - Status of the advice on the advice
- Meter Advice Type - The type of advice for the water meter (INSTALL, REPLACE, REMOVE)
- AMR Advice Type - The type of advice for the AMR (INSTALL, REPLACE, REINSTALL, REMOVE)
- Assessment No - Assessment Number
- Reference
- No - Reference number for an application
- Meter No - Meter number / code
- AMR No - AMR Tag ID
- Property
- Address - Address
- Date Created - Between two dates.
After the “Search” button is selected, the results are shown in a form layout, each containing the following information:
- Advice
- ID - System advice ID
- Status - Status of the advice on the advice
- Meter Advice
- Type - The type of advice for the water meter
- AMR Advice Type - The type of advice for the AMR
- Assessment No - Assessment Number
- Reference No - Reference number for an application
- Meter No - Meter number / code
- No - AMR Tag ID
- Property Address - Address
- Date Created - Date Created
- Date Modified - The date of last modification
- User Created
- - The name of the user that created the advice
- User Modified - The name of the user that last modified the advice.
Each result has a “Select” “Select” button to open the advice to permit alteration if required.