MiWater implements several persistent navigational elements. These elements facilitate simple and intuitive user navigation within MiWater and include a header bar, footer bar and menu system.
Header Bar
Each page within MiWater will display the same header. As mentioned above, the header contains several navigational elements that facilitate simple navigation
The following icons functions are available within under the header barHelp Menu:
The MiWater menu structure can be broadly defined as having two tiers. The Main Menu pictured below lists report / functionality categories. The main menu is situated to the left of the sub menu.User Manual - Brings you to this User Help guide
Contact Local Support - Opens Email and pre-populates with MiWater Support email address
Contact System Support - Navigates Service Desk provider
Revision History - Navigates to the change log
Main Menu
Clicking a category in the main menu will cause the sub menu to display available reports / functionality for the clicked category.
My Profile
Under My Profile, you are able to navigate to Change your Password as well as Manage API Key
Footer Bar
Displayed at the bottom of all pages within MiWater is a footer. The footer contains copyright information, application terms and conditions and the current user’s username.