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The Readings Exception Management form enables the user to view and manage AMRs that have returned readings which are significantly different from the corresponding manual readings of the water meter to which the AMR is attached.

Search Parameters:

  • Suburb: Filter by suburb.

  • Scheme: Filter by scheme.

  • DMA: A District Metered Area (optional).

    • Include child DMAs: Include/exclude sub DMAs.

  • Sort Order: The order in which to sort the report.

  • Inclusions: Include AMRs that meet the following requirements.

  • Unprocessed Exceptions: All exceptions that have not been processed.

  • Processed Exceptions: All exceptions that have been processed.

  • Automatically Ignored Exceptions: Exceptions that have been automatically ignored by the system.

  • Routes: Select meter routes to filter against (optional).

  • Meter Reading Start/End: Excludes results where meter readings were prior to the start date, and later than the end date.

  • Date Processed Dates: Excludes results where the exception processed date was prior to the start date, and later than the end date.

  • Exception Sizes: Filter the report by the magnitude of the variance between manual and calculated reading.

  • Private Meters: Include, exclude or only show Private Meters.

  • Supply Meters: Include, exclude or only show Supply Meters.

  • Network Meters: Include, exclude or only show Network Meters.

  • AMRs Flagged for Investigation: Include, exclude or only show AMRs that have been flagged for investigation.

  • Quarantined AMRs: Include, exclude or only show AMRs that have been marked as quarantined.

  • Processing Mode: Choose whether to process rows returned by the report one at a time or in bulk.

  • Exception Classification Analysis Option: These fields allow the filtering of exceptions by their likely cause. All fields are in the form of include, exclude or only show the likely cause.

    • Likely Connection Exceptions: AMRs receiving only zero pulse counts for at least the last 14 days may not be connected to the water meter properly.

    • Large Manual Read Variance: One of the manual / calculated reading variances is greater than twice the average variance indicating a possible manual reading error.

    • Likely Manual Read Issues: Manual readings are not remaining constant or increasing over time (i.e. negative water use).

    • Likely Initial Read Error: The difference between calculated and manual readings is fairly constant indicating a potential initial reading error.

    • Non-Standard Pulse Rates: This option will exclude / include / only show AMRs that aren't configured to 5 litres per pulse.

    • Unknown Exception Cause: All exceptions that don't fall into any of the above categories.

Once all the desired parameters have been set, click the “Search” button. For an explanation of what classifies as an “Exception”, click the “Exception Rules” button. To go back to the AMR Management Menu, click the “Back” button.

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Readings Exception Management – Report Results:

Once the report has been generated, the following columns will be listed.

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  • Scheme: The meter scheme.

  • Address: The address of the meter.

  • Meter No: The meter’s unique code.

  • AMR No: The AMR’s unique code.

  • Manual Reading: The date and time of the manual reading, any associated images and the reading (in kilolitres).

  • Calculated Reading: The calculated value of the reading (derived from the AMR). The column also includes a context button  (see Reporting Results – Context Reading History).

  • Difference (KL): The difference between the manual and calculated reading.

  • Time Difference (Mins): The time difference between the last manual meter reading and the last calculated reading.

  • Process: This will vary depending on whether the report is processing by single or bulk/multiple rows (see Report Results – Processing Rows).

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Report Results – Reading History Context:

The Reading History Context window displays reading history for the exception selected from the previous report’s results. The context window also provides information such as the date and time of the manual and calculated reading as well as the data origin of the manual readings. To view the AMR’s Water Usage Report in a graphical format, click the “Chart” button. This will direct you to the Water Usage Report for that AMR. To exit the window and go back to the Readings Exception Management Report Results, click the “Close” button.

Report Results – Processing Rows:

Readings Exception Management Report Result’s presentation will vary depending upon the user’s previous choice of Single or Bulk/Multiple processing mode.

When processing exceptions one at time (Single), select the “Process” button adjacent to the row you wish to select. Once selected, a window will appear prompting you for investigation details about the meter. Once all details have been entered, select the “Save” button (Note if the Cause or Confirmation fields have not been added an error will be returned on pressing the “Save” button). To Exit the window and go back to the Readings Exception Management Report Results, click the “Cancel” button.

When processing multiple exceptions (Bulk/Multiple), tick the check box within the process column adjacent to each row you wish to process. Once selected, click the “Process Selected” button at the bottom right of the page. Once selected, a window will appear facilitating the processing of the exception. The correct reading can be specified (Manual, Calculated or Unknown. Note that if unknown is selected the exception will not be processed.), the cause of the exception, the processing method, any comments deemed appropriate and an option to flag the AMR for investigation. Once all details have been entered, select the “Save” button (Note if the Cause or Confirmation fields have not been added an error will be returned on pressing the “save” button). To exit the window and go back to the Readings Exception Management Report Results, click the “Cancel” button.