The user’s currently registered properties are always displayed on the main “Water Dashboard”. A user is able to view the registration information for a single property by first selecting that property and displaying the account summary page and then selecting the “modify” icon in the top right of the header.
Selecting this option will display the “Change Registration” form. This layout includes the basic details of the account / property that has been selected, along with all of the current registration information.
For most registrations, that may be only the top section which allows the user to delete the registration, however where tenants or agents are involved, they may see all of these listed under the respective groups.
A single item with an icon that will allow the user to delete the registration. Selecting this item will reveal a confirmation dialog. If accepted, the registration will be instantly removed from the application and sent, via API back to the management portal to facilitate the removal of the registration within MiWater.
If the user is the Owner of an account, they will see this group. Any current property tenants will be listed, including their name and dates of registration access The user can modify an existing registration by selecting it, which will reveal the change registration functionality. The last item in this list is named “Add a New Tenant” with a relevant icon. Selecting this will allow the user to add a new tenant to this account.
The default is two concurrent tenants. Only currently active or future active tenants should be displayed here. For example, if a tenant’s access concludes in 2 weeks’ time, it would be possible to add another tenant to commence the day after which should also appear here.
If the user is the Owner of an account, they will see this group. The current property agent will be listed, including their name and dates of registration access. The user can modify an existing registration by selecting it, which will reveal the change registration functionality.
The last item in this list is named “Add a New Agent” with a relevant icon. Selecting this will allow the user to add a new agent to this account.
The default is one concurrent agent.
Only currently active or future active agents should be displayed here. For example, if an agent’s access concludes in 2 weeks’ time, it would be possible to add another agent to commence the day after which should also appear here..
Change a Sub-Registration:
For an owner that has an existing tenant or agent registration, the owner can modify this or delete this by selecting the registration from the respective lists. Within this layout, the user is presented with the details of the property tenant or agent, known to the user by virtue of their trust relationship with them through a previous registration process.
Change sub-registration has the following elements:
Access From - A data control that specifies the start date of the registration, which can be changed.
Access To - A data control that specifies the end date of the registration, which can be changed. The end date must be later than the start date on submission. Also, a submission of the registration with concurrent registrations that exceed the maximum allowed for the registration type (for example 2 tenants or 1 agent) will also be validated within the app itself and prevented from being submitted.
Save Changes - A button to update / save the sub-registration details, saving locally and submitting to the management portal via API.
Delete this [type] registration - A button which will completely delete this registration. When selected, the details will be updated locally and submitted to the management portal via API. Note that this will have the effect of “concluding” the registration as at midnight that morning for the selected user, rather than deleting them completely.