Selecting Check Meter Read from the Main Menu opens the Meter Reading page.
The following fields can be populated here;
- Meter No. - The ID associated with the Water Meter, clicking opens the Meter Search page
- AMR No.-
- Meter Location -
- Meter Type -
- Meter Notes -
- Property -
- Trouble -
- Run/ Sequence -
New Reading - This section is split into Three sections. Reading (Kl), Date & Time, Kl / Day
- Last Reading -
- Calculated -
- This Reading-
- Skip Reading -
- Other Notes-
- Photo (Optional) - Will open the camera
Controls -
- Cancel - Closes the page
- Save - Validates and Saves the Meter Read
- Save and New - Validates and Saves current Meter Read and opens a new page
Meter Search
The Meter Search modal contains the following attributes;
- Assessment No. - Meter's associated Assessment Number
- House No. - house number of the meter location
- Street Name - the street the meter is located
- Suburb - drop down field containing suburbs
- Run - This is the ordering number a meter belongs to. In most councils field workers are required to read meters in the most efficient route possible. To do this, each meter is given a list of suburbs (Run numbers) to go to in ascending order, and then within each suburb a route number (the order within a suburb to service meters)
The mobile device does not show this, but the Aqualus Water Staff site contains the ability to print of a map telling you the order in which to service your meters.
- Near Me - Check box