This report displays DMA details for a given point in time. To access this report, select Point in Time DMA analysis from the Network Management Menu. The following search parameters and result fields apply.
Search Parameters:
Scheme: The scheme of the DMA.
DMA: The name of the DMA.
Include child DMAs: Include/exclude sub DMAs.
Date: Start date of the reporting period.
Time: End date of the reporting period
Result Columns:
o Network o Network Meter Results:
Meter No: The meter number associated with the DMA.
AMR No: The AMR number associated to the DMA.
Flow Direction: The direction of a Network Meter.
Data Quality: The number of AMR pulses received during the period vs the expected number of pulses during the period for AMR’s attached to meters within the DMA.
Net Flow: The net flow.
o Individual o Individual Water Meter Results:
Meter No: The meter number associated with the DMA.
AMR No: The AMR number associated with the DMA.
Address: Meter property address.
Account No: Meter account no.
Property Owner: Owner of the property.
Data Quality: The number of AMR pulses received during the period vs the expected number of pulses during the period for AMR’s attached to meters within the DMA.
Current Leak (per hour): Current leak rate per hour (if any).
Daily Average (14 Days): Daily consumption in litres averaged over 14 days.
Consumption: Current consumption rate in Litres.
o Metric o Metric Summary Results:
Period: Reporting period.
DMA Net Flow: Network meter net flow.
Raw Consumption: Total consumption for that network meter.Loss: Outflow – (in flow – consumption).
Loss (%): Percent of inflow that was lost.
Meters w/o Data: Number of meters within the network without data.