The advice search page displays both completed and partially completed advice's. From
the main menu, the “Advice Search” button will display a form with the following search fields:Advice ID
Meter Advice Type
AMR Advice Type
Assessment No
Reference No
Meter No
Property Address
Date Created
here you are able to continue work you had previously left unfinished.
Below lists the available search parameters:
- Advice ID - System advice ID
- Status - Status of the advice on the advice
- Meter Advice Type - The type of advice for the water meter (INSTALL, REPLACE, REMOVE)
- AMR Advice Type - The type of advice for the AMR (INSTALL, REPLACE, REINSTALL, REMOVE)
- Assessment No - Assessment Number
- Reference No - Reference number for an application
- Meter No - Meter number / code
- AMR No - AMR Tag ID
- Property Address - Address
- Date Created - Between two dates.
After the “Search” button is selected, the results are shown in a form layout, each containing the following information:
- Advice ID - System advice ID
- Status - Status of the advice on the advice
- Meter Advice Type - The type of advice for the water meter
- AMR Advice Type - The type of advice for the AMR
- Assessment No - Assessment Number
- Reference No - Reference number for an application
- Meter No - Meter number / code
- AMR No - AMR Tag ID
- Property Address - Address
- Date Created - Date Created
- Date Modified - The date of last modification
- User Created - The name of the user that created the advice
- User Modified - The name of the user that last modified the advice.
Each result has a “Select” button to open the advice to permit alteration if required.