The 'New Unit' section of an Advice or Work Order will be displayed when the Meter and/ or AMR Change fields are set to;
- Install
- Replace
- Reinstall
Fields in the New Unit section to complete are as follows:
- Meter No.
- Size (mm) - Drop down field containing options:
- 20 mm
- 150 mm
- Start Read (Kl)
- Meter Type - Drop down field containing configured Meter types
- Meter Location - Drop down field containing North, East, South, West etc...
- Meter Location - for free text description of location. For example, the you might want to state that the meter was under a large tree
- Latitude/Longitude - (if location services is switched on)
- AMR No. - The number associated with the AMR.
- Compound Meter - drop down contains meters that are already installed inside that assessment (inside that property).
- Time Water On - Clicking the will open a select time window where you can set the Hours / Min AM/PM. Alternatively, you can type the time directly into this field.
- Above Ground - Yes/ No drop down field
- Radio Obstruction - Yes/ No drop down field
- Litres Per Pulse - drop down field containing the following options;
- Unknown
- 0.1
- 0.5
- 1
- 5
- 10
- 100
- 1000
- Metal Present? - Yes/ No drop down field
- Water Obstruction? - Yes/ No drop down field
- Trade Waste? - Check box. When checked;
- Trade Waste Type field contains drop down with:
- Input
- Output
- Trade Waste Type field contains drop down with:
- Complex Billing - Check box. When checked
- Complex Billing Comments is displayed - free text field for comments.
- Photo - Clicking the will display 'Photo Instructions' dialogue
Photo Instructions
A photo of the water meter number, the AMR number and the current water meter reading (dials) must be provided.
Using the icon will display the photo Instructions. When clicking ok, you are able to then go ahead and capture the photo for the work order.
Once the image has been captured it will upload and be displayed beside the Photo field. You are able to add more images if required.
To view the images click on the view icons
Here, you are able to delete the image or close the view screen to keep the image.