This functionality will allow an approved operator to specify the production figures for a specific piece of equipment based on its asset class. This includes actual production figures, estimates for past missing production and future production forecasts. (This replaces the SAM1 “Update Equipment Production” functionality.)
General Layout
The layout of the production form, exampled to the right, identifies the summary for the asset, an instructions panel and the main body of the form which includes a filters tab and results tab. Each of these are defined in the following sections.
Asset Summary Panel
This panel lists a summary of the asset including the asset name, type and ID and the site applicable.
Instructions Panel
This panel is configured to contain a simple set of instructions relevant to this operation.
Use this section to SEARCH for production figures. There are Estimates, forecast, Actual and *Missing.
When this form first opens, the filters tab will be active showing some default filter parameters. Exampled here → Use this section to SEARCH for production figures. There are Estimates, forecast, Actual and *Missing.
“*Missing” - Where any day or days are missing from this report, the system should show these as “missing” production. This would usually be determined by a gap in the production figures being entered compared to other records.
Parameters are as follows:
Include missing Production - Mandatory & Defaults to “NULL”.
Has the following options:
YES – Include ONLY “missing” and “estimate” production figures (Do not show Actual)
NULL – Include all production figures
NO – Exclude “Missing”, “Estimate” and “forecast” production figures. (Show only Actual)
Date Range - Mandatory & Defaults to three months, being the current month, previous month and next month.
Has the following other pre-sets:
“Three month window” (same business rules as the default)
“Last three months” (includes the current month)
“Next three months” (includes the current month)
“Last six months” (includes the current month)
“Next six months” (includes the current month)
“Last Financial Year” • “Current Financial Year”
The form has the following Submit button: “Apply Filters and Show Results”
Production Results:
Once executed the production results will be displayed as per the example shown here → add a screen shot once we have the icons in dev
The contents of the form are displayed in a table defined as follows;
Period From - A text field showing the “from” date for the production figure. Records in this table are ordered by this date. Note that the production figures for this row apply to the period greater than or equal to 00:00 at this date.
Period To - A text field showing the “to” date for the production figure. Formatted swatchA2. Note that the production figures for this row apply to the period up to a time of 00:00 the following day.
Refer to the following examples:
From: 2020-08-29 To: 2020-08-29 = 1 whole days / 24 hours
From: 2020-08-29 To: 2020-08-30 = 2 whole days / 48 hours
Production ([Unit]) - This field will show the production value recorded against the asset for the reported period. The column itself will contain the unit of measure for the asset (such as BCM or FT3). For each date visible, the production value is displayed.
Next to the production is the calculated value of production per day in normal text colour
Actual / Estimate / Forecast - This column shows the status or type of the product record that has been recorded. The following potential options apply
Last Edited - Shows the name of the user that last edited the production figure and the date and time
Modify - Reveals a “modify” button to modify the production record, which opens up the modal defined in Section Modify Production
Forecast behaviour:
A forecast is a series of future estimates for production for an asset used to assist with future planning.
Once one instance of a forecast period is partially in the past (ie. The from date is the same as or before today’s date) it is converted into an estimate by the system.
Missing Production Behaviour
Where any day or days are missing from this report, the system should show these as “missing” production.
This would usually be determined by a gap in the production figures being entered compared to other records.
When this occurs, the system will create an automatic “missing” production placeholder for the whole days in question with a value of 0.
The user can select this record to be modified to record an estimate or actual figure which will change its status.
Note that missing production should not appear for the period prior to 1/1/2020.
The header for the production data search contains three buttons, for you to add and clear the data.
Clear Forecasts - An authorised operator can clear the forecasts for a defined period for an asset via a simple modal control.
The Clear Production Forecasts for Asset modal contains Asset information as per the Asset Summary panel, Including the asset name, type and ID and the site applicable.
Date range (Period to Clear) - Mandatory. This will default to today’s data to 4 weeks’ from today’s date. The form will allow past dates being entered, but will only clear a production that was recorded as a “forecast”.
Confirm button - will commit the changes and clear the forecasts as stated. Note that only a “forecast” production is affected by this change and will not affect actual production.
Cancel button - will close the modal and cancel the changes.
Add Forecast - an authorised operator can add the forecast production for an asset via a simple modal control. Example →
The asset summary and site summary are shown.
Forecast Start Date - Mandatory field. Defaults to tomorrow’s date. This date field must always be in the future – a forecast cannot be added for the past.
Duration - Mandatory field – defines the length of time for each forecast period that will be created.
Has the following options:
3 days
7 days (default)
14 days
21 days
28 days
Number of Repeats - Mandatory field – is the number of future forecast period that will be created. Defaults to 1. The postfix shown says “repeats”. In response to changes to this field or the forecast date, the following text “Ends on: [date]” will be updated. Note that this date should be the calculated end date relating to last repeat for the forecast, not the start date of the last period.
Production - Mandatory field. Number must be 0 or more. Defaults to 0. The postfix for the production field is determined by the asset’s unit of production (such as BCM). In response to changes to this field and the duration of the period, the calculated text, “[value] per day” is updated.
A note is visible advising the user that all overlapping future production figures will be deleted as part of this process.
Upon save, the form fields are validated and changes committed. The underlying production results are refreshed, though it should be noted that if the dates recorded for production were in the far future, they may not be immediately visible in the production results if the previously defined dates do not include those future dates.
Add Actual Production - A user can add actual production for an asset using the modal exampled here →
The asset summary and site summary are shown.
Production period - Mandatory field. Usually this will default to the dates from a “missing” production period or an “estimate”, but if not, should default to today’s date to today’s date (a single date is permissible). As shown in the example in response to changes to this date, the number of days included should be displayed.
Type - Mandatory – the type of production record being either:
Actual (default)
Production - Mandatory field. Number must be 0 or more. Defaults to 0. The postfix for the production field is determined by the asset’s unit of production (such as BCM). In response to changes to this field and the duration of the period, the calculated text, “[value] per day” is updated.
Upon Save,the form fields are validated and changes committed. The underlying production results are refreshed, though it should be noted that if the dates recorded for production were in the far future, they may not be immediately visible in the production results if the previously defined dates do not include those future dates.
Note: The date range specified must not overlap with an existing “actual” or “estimate” record. They can however overlap with an existing “missing” record and may result in that “missing” record being altered in terms of dates (or hypothetically being split into two)
Once an Actual Production has been saved - the search result grid is updated and you will see a Modify button.
More information on how to manage the Production figures are in the following pages:
Child pages (Children Display) |