This functionality will allow an approved operator to specify the production figures for a specific piece of equipment based on its asset class. This includes actual production figures, estimates for past missing production and future production forecasts. (This replaces the SAM1 “Update Equipment Production” functionality.)
General Layout
The layout of the production form, exampled to the right, identifies the summary for the asset, an instructions panel and the main body of the form which includes a filters tab and results tab. Each of these are defined in the following sections.
Asset Summary Panel
This panel lists a summary of the asset including the asset name, type and ID and the site applicable.
Instructions Panel
This panel is configured to contain a simple set of instructions relevant to this operation.
When this form first opens, the filters tab will be active showing some default filter parameters. Exampled here →
Use this section to SEARCH for production figures. There are Estimates, forecast and Actual. (Missing means:
Parameters are as follows:
Include missing Production - Mandatory & Defaults to “NULL”.
Has the following options:
YES – Include ONLY “missing” and “estimate” production figures (Do not show Actual)
NULL – Include all production figures
NO – Exclude “Missing”, “Estimate” and “forecast” production figures. (Show only Actual)
Date Range - Mandatory & Defaults to three months, being the current month, previous month and next month.
Has the following other pre-sets:
“Three month window” (same business rules as the default)
“Last three months” (includes the current month)
“Next three months” (includes the current month)
“Last six months” (includes the current month)
“Next six months” (includes the current month)
“Last Financial Year” • “Current Financial Year”
The form has the following Submit button: “Apply Filters and Show Results”