Overview of Inspection Reports
There are two processes relating to inspection reports. These are the generation of an inspection report for a specific asset into an Excel template that the operator can use as part of the physical inspection. That process and the associated template already exist within SAM1 and will reproduced using a similar process within SAM1.
The second process however, which is new to SAM2 is the ability for a completed inspection report to be uploaded back into SAM2 for the purposes of maintaining inspection history and even sharing reports with clients.
This page relates only to the generation of a new inspection report into the spreadsheet template.
The Upload Inspection Report information is found here
Generate Inspection report form
This form contains a familiar set of controls with some specific functionality to assist the user in selecting the parts to include in the inspection report.
The report itself is delivered via an Excel spreadsheet template with the data delivered to predefined tab which then populates the other fields in the spreadsheet
Settings Panel Form fields:
Report Date - Date control - set to todays date
Service Cycle - Select box which lists a number of service cycle options in days (used on the generated report) This list is configurable. Includes the following options;
7 Days
14 Days
21 Days
28 Days (Default)
Template - Select box which lists all configured report/ Spreadsheet templates. Those templates are created separately and configured by the System Administrator.
Cancel button - will close the report and return you to the Asset Manager
Generate Inspection Spreadsheet button- will generate the report using the selected data and template and deliver to the user.
Inspection Report Inclusions section →
Hide Unselected Parts button - Selecting this option will remove all unselected items from the inspection report. Once selected (and only active items are visible) – the button will change to the alternate button “Show All Parts”.
Show All Parts button - Selecting this option will show all parts associated with the asset irrespective if they have been selected through the inspection report. After being pressed, this button will revert to the “Hide Unselected Parts” option
Clear All Parts button - Selecting this will unselect all parts in the inspection report across all groups or assemblies.
Include All Parts button - Selecting this will select all parts in the inspection report across all groups or assemblies.
The tabbed header functions identically to the same header used elsewhere (Asset controller for example).
The number next to the assembly in the tab (such has “Lower Hoist (2/15)” represents the number of currently selected parts.
There is a group selector - a check box. Use this to select or unselect an entire group.
Information displayed in the Inspection Report Inclusions table is as per other places in SAM2 - Asset Controller.
Product - with a view icon - clicking the eye icon will open the Part information modal.
Part - Product Number and type.
Material No - A specific part number relevant to the selected site, recorded against the product database by the system administrator. This number cannot be changed by the user in this context.
New? - Icon showing if the part is new or refurbished
Production - The current production associated with this part, recorded against the part’s configured ‘target life’. This is represented as [current production] [part target life]. Next to this a percentage value is shown to indicate the state of this part against its target life. If the part exceeds 100%, it is coloured red.
Production History - A circle icon. When the user clicks on this control, the modal defined in page: Production History will be displayed with the sub-section expanded and visible.
Recommended Action - Defaults to empty and is optional. Will list all options available for possible actions. This list is driven by a system table.
Form behaviour;
As you change and and set all of the selections for each item, these are stored temporarily against the your user session, but not the database. After you return to this form after logging in, the selected items and recommended actions will be reset.