The 'New Unit' section of an Advice or Work Order will be displayed when the Meter and/ or AMR Change fields are set to;
- Install
- Replace
- Reinstall
Fields in the New Unit section to complete are as follows:
- Meter No.
- Size (mm) - Drop down field containing options:
- 20 mm
- 150 mm
- Start Read (Kl)
- Meter Type - Drop down field containing configured Meter types
- Meter Location - Drop down field containing North, East, South, West etc...
- Meter Location - for free text description of location. For example, the you might want to state that the meter was under a large tree
- Latitude/Longitude - (if location services is switched on)
- AMR No.
- Compound Meter - what is in this drop down?
- Time Water On - Clicking the will open a select time window where you can set the Hours / Min AM/PM. Alternatively, you can type the time directly into this field.
- Above Ground - Yes/ No drop down field
- Radio Obstruction - Yes/ No drop down field
- Litres Per Pulse - drop down field containing the following options;
- Unknown
- 0.1
- 0.5
- 1
- 5
- 10
- 100
- 1000
- Metal Present? - Yes/ No drop down field
- Water Obstruction? - Yes/ No drop down field
- Trade Waste? - Check box. When checked;
- Trade Waste Type field contains drop down with:
- Input
- Output
- Trade Waste Type field contains drop down with:
- Complex Billing - Check box. When checked
- Complex Billing Comments is displayed - free text field for comments.
- Photo - Clicking the will display 'Photo Instructions' dialogue