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An NFC Scan is used for two different objectives in the revised Mobile application.

These are:
1. To load the meter or AMR details, including the stored meter reading into the advice form, either for the
old meter or the new meter.
2. To initiate a “wake” and “swipe” event for AMRs that may be in sleep mode, such as the V200HT.
This same process will be used in the advice form for both of these activities.

Selecting the NFC scan button will open the small modal that is exampled in Figure 13. In this state, the attached
NFC reader will be active (having it ‘on’ at all times will drain the device’s battery). The NFC logo will be animated
and a simple instruction provided, noting that it includes the [device name] as this may assist in debugging. Note
that if no NFC scanning device is attached to the table (or available as a service in the tablet) this popup will
automatically close with a suitable message

Once the NFC reader has detected a valid tag, an audible sound should play and the scanner modal updated to
the example shown in Figure 14. The sound may emanate from the scanner itself (most have this as a built-in
function) and therefore may not need to be added in the app. However, as this may not be known, the application
should also play an audible beep after a successful scan.

As shown in Figure 14, the successful scan is indicated with a green tick and the meter’s serial number displayed.
In the footer section of the popup, a “View Report” button appears which, when selected will close this popup and
reveal the “View NFC Scan Report” functionality described in Section 3.5. An additional “use” button is also
displayed which will use all of the details from the scanner meter and place these back in to the underlying form
depending on context. Closing this modal without clicking the “use” will skip this step. In this state, the scanner is
still active. This will allow the operator to scan a different tag to replace the first if that is required or to continue to
tap the meter in order to trigger a swipe. There will be no indication on this form that a swipe event was triggered
as this may depend on how many taps were required.

When the user presses the “use” button, the details above will be transposed in to the originating form depending on context. This includes the following:

SectionContextFields that will populate with Scan Data
Old UnitMeter CodeMeter number AMR number Final Read
Old UnitAMR NumberMeter number (if applicable) AMR number Final Read (if applicable)
New UnitSwipe ReportMeter number AMR number Final Read Final Read Time (if applicable)
New UnitMeter NoMeter number AMR number Final Read Final Read Time (if applicable)
New UnitAMR NoMeter number (if applicable) AMR number Final Read (if applicable) Final Read Time (if applicable)

If the user has previously opened the NFC scan control and successfully scanned a meter, the previous details should still be visible in the form, including an active button to view the NFC scan result,

The reading stored in the meter’s EPROM may not be the latest reading from the meter as it is only updated either once per day or when triggered to do so as a result of multiple NFC scans. The timestamp can however be captured through this scan which will allow the application to determine the age of the reading and alert the user to this.
If the user closes this form, they will also be presented with a popup alerting them to the need to double-check the reading is correct as it may be out of date.


The full detail of the NFC scan completed for either the “Old Unit” or the “New Unit” will be stored against the advice and synchronised to the server once the advice has been completed.

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