Alert 3 – Customer Engagement
This report details various customer engagement metrics for a given period. Metrics include properties registered, emails sent and active users.
Search Parameters:
- Report From: The period start date.
- Report To: The period end date
Result Columns:
- Scheme: The corresponding scheme to which the row’s data relates.
- Registered Properties: Displays the number of properties registered per scheme. Select the link to view a list these properties.
- % of Total: The percentage of properties registered in that scheme for the period.
- Registered in Period: Displays the number of properties registered within the given period. Select the link to view these properties.
- Active: Displays the number of active users during the period. Select the link to view a list of these users.
- Email: Displays the number of emails sent for the scheme within the given period. Select the link to view a list of these emails.
- SMS: Displays the number of SMS’s sent for the scheme within the given period. Select the link to view a list of these SMS’.
- Engagement %: Provides a comparison metric for customer engagement during the period.
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