Manage PMNs

Manage PMNs

The Private Metered Networks page enables the user to view and manage PMN data.

  • Name: The name of the PMN, its ID and current address.
  • Customer: The name and ID of the customer associated with the PMN.
  • Meters: There are two fields, Supply and Private. The Supply field represents the number of linked meters supplying the private network. The Private Field represents the number of private meters belonging to the PMN.
  • 7-Day Inflow: The volume of water that entered the private network via the supply meters over the previous 7 days.
  • 7-Day Consumption: The volume of water consumed within the private network over the previous 7 days. Note that this value is equivalent to the sum of all private meter usage within the network over the previous 7 days.
  • 7-Day Loss: The volume of water which entered the network via supply meters in excess of the water consumed by all private meters within the network (7 Day Inflow – 7 Day Consumption).
  • Action: Hover over this button to view the available operations for the PMN (VIEW PWN Dashboard – see Private Metered Network Dashboard and MODIFY PMN – Modify Network Details).

Manage PMNs

To add a new PMN to the list, click the “Create New” button to the bottom right of the page then fill in the details (see Create New PMN)

Modify PMN

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