Manage Users and User Roles

Manage Users and User Roles

This option is available to selected users. It facilitates the modification of user roles in addition to the creation of new users. To add a new user, enter their last name and first name in the form provided.

MiWater will suggest a username based on the details that you have entered. You can either accept the suggested username or alter it by typing a new username in its place.

Enter the user’s email address and phone number and then click “Add”.

The user will receive an email containing their username and password details. Click the “Clear” button to remove all details from the form. Click “Back” to return to the user management menu.

Add User

A list of all existing MiWater users is also displayed onscreen. Alongside each user’s details are buttons to edit or delete the user, to reset the user’s password or to update their roles within MiWater.

Manage Users

To alter a user’s name, email address or phone number, click the “Edit” button adjacent their details. The form will change to allow you to enter this information. Update the details as necessary and then click the “Update” button to save the changes. Click the “Cancel” button to return to the list of existing users and cancel any changes that have been made.

Edit User

To delete a user from MiWater, click on the “Delete” button adjacent their details. An alert box will then prompt you to confirm this action. Click the “OK” button to remove the user from MiWater.

Click the “Cancel” button to return to the list of existing users and cancel the operation.

Delete User

To reset a user’s password, click on the “Reset” button adjacent to their details. An alert box will then prompt you to confirm this action. Click the “OK” button to reset the user’s password for MiWater. The user will receive an email containing their new password details. Click the “Cancel” button to return to the list of existing users and cancel the operation.

Reset User

To adjust the roles to which a user belongs within the MiWater application, click on the “Roles” button adjacent their name. Modify the role options available and then click the “Save” button to update the user’s roles. Click the “Cancel” button to return to the list of existing users and cancel the operation.

Modify Roles

The following table explains the list of role codes available in MiWater and their linkage to different features.

Role CodeSite/AppGrants Access toLevelsRole NameDescription
adviceUserLevelMiWater Private
  • AMR Management
    • AMR Configuration 
      • Manual Advice Processing
      • Meter and AMR Advice Search

No AccessDoes not have access to create or update meter advices
1View (Read Only)Can search for and view existing meter advices
2Partial AccessHas access to read and update meter advices
3Full AccessHas full access to read, update and create all meter advices
companionDataManagementMiWater Private
  • System Configuration
    • Manage Companion Data
0No AccessUser does not have access to view or manage companion data.
1View (Read Only)User has permission to view, and export companion data.
2Partial AccessUser has permission to view, create, and modify companion data.
3Full AccessUser has full access to view, create, modify and delete companion data.
dataManagementMiWater Private
  • AMR Management
    • AMR Data Management
      • Readings Exception Management
      • AMR Quarantine Processing
0No AccessNo access to data management features
1View (Read Only)Can view data management features, such as processed reading exceptions
2Data ManagerFull access to data management features
dmaUserMiWater Private
  •  Network
    • District Metered Areas (DMAs)
0No AccessUser does not have access to DMAs
1View (Read Only)User can search for and view all DMA information including network objects
2Assessment OnlyUser can search for and view all DMA information and can allocate assessments individually to a DMA
3Full AccessUser can create, modify and delete DMAs in the system and can allocate assessments, rules and manage network objects
generalUserLevelMiWater PrivateGeneral features0Public UserHas public (restricted) access
1Staff UserCan view/edit most assessment/property/amr details

MiWater App 

MiWater Private

  • Mobile App (MiWater App)
  • Field Operation Management (MiWater Private)
0No AccessNo access to mobile device functionality
1Device AccessAccess to the mobile device only.
2Batch AccessAccess to mobile device and web server / Advice Batches
3Full AccessFull access to mobile device and web server Device Management / Advice Batches
notificationLevelMiWater Private
  • Property Dashboard → Operations Menu:
    • Record Customer Communication
0No AccessDoes not have access to view/create/modify notifications
1View (Read Only)Can search for and view existing notifications.
2Partial AccessCan view/create/modify notifications, but not bulk uploads.
3Notification ManagerCan view/create/modify all notifications.
personalInformationMiWater Private
  • Reports
0No AccessCannot view any reports.
1Report ViewerCan view/export data from report.
pmnUserMiWater Private
  • Network
    • Private Metered Networks (PMNs)
0No AccessDoes not have access to view/create/modify Private Metered Networks
1View (Read Only)Can view Private Metered Network details but does not have create/modify
2PMN ManagerFull access to Private Metered Networks functionality
publicSystemConfigurationMiWater Public
  • Menu
    • System Configuration
0No AccessCannot configure the site.
1Read OnlyRead only access to public system configuration
2Partial AccessAccess to manage banners, welcome page, water tips and service outages
3Full AccessFull access to public system configuration
publicUserManagementMiWater Public
  • Menu
    • User Management
0No AccessCannot view any user information.
1View (Read Only)Can view user information.
2Partial AccessCan view and update user information.
3Public User ManagerCan view/create/update user information.
publicUserRegistrationMiWater Public
  • Menu
    • Registration processing
0No AccessCannot view any user registrations.
1View (Read Only)Can view user registrations.
2Partial AccessCan view and update user registrations.
3Public User ManagerCan view/create/update user registrations.
publicUserShadowMiWater PublicShadow users0No AccessCannot shadow public users.
1View (Read Only)Can view content from users shadowed.
2Full User ShadowCan view/modify content from users shadowed.
SRMContactManagementMiWater Private
  • Supplier Management 
    • Manage Supplier Contacts
0No AccessDoes not have access to Entity / Supplier Contact Management functionality.
1View (Read Only)User can search for and view Entity / Supplier Contact details.
2Partial AccessUser can view and modify Entity / Supplier Contact details, but cannot delete.
3Full AccessUser can view, modify and delete Entity / Supplier Contact details.
SRMEntityManagementMiWater Private
  • Supplier Management 
    • Manage Suppliers
0No AccessDoes not have access to Entity / Supplier Management functionality.
1View (Read Only)User can search for and view Entity / Supplier details.
2Partial AccessUser can view and modify Entity / Supplier details, but cannot delete.
3Full AccessUser can view, modify and delete Entity / Supplier details.
SRMModelManagementMiWater Private
  • Supplier Management 
    • Manage Models
0No AccessDoes not have access to Model Management functionality.
1View (Read Only)User can search for and view Model details.
2Partial AccessUser can view and modify Model details, but cannot delete.
3Full AccessUser can view, modify and delete Model details.
systemAdministratorMiWater Private
  • System Configuration
    • Manage Users and Roles
0No AccessDoes not have access to update or create information. Can only update own password.
1User Management 1Level 1 read and write access to User Management. Change passwords and user roles.
2User Management 2Level 2 read and write access to User Management. Change passwords and user roles.
3Full AccessFull Administrator access.
tradeWasteUserLevelMiWater Private
  • Network
    • Trade Waste Networks (TWNs)
0No AccessNo access to trade waste meter functionality
1View (Read Only)User has read only access to trade waste functionality
2Full AccessUser has full access to trade waste functionality

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