Clicking this icon will open a popup window. This pop up will display the installation instructions for the AMR. The instructions are intended to focus primarily on the installation and swipe of the AMR associated with the water meter but there can also be instructions displayed specific to the water meter.
Depending on what information has been provided and into which field on the form, determines what Instructions you will see.
Section | Field Name | Definition |
Old Unit | Meter Number Field | Only instructions for the specific current meter’s model will be displayed. If none exist, a generic statement is shown. |
Old Unit | AMR Number Field | Only instructions for the specific current AMR’s model will be displayed. If none exist, a generic statement is shown. |
New Unit | Swipe Report Row | Instructions for the new AMR’s model will be displayed if an AMR has already been selected. If not yet entered or none exists, display all AMR-related instructions. |
New Unit | Meter Number Field | Instructions for the new meter’s model will be displayed if a meter has already been selected. If not yet entered or none exists, display all meter-related instructions. |
New Unit | AMR Number Field | Instructions for the new AMR’s model will be displayed if an AMR has already been selected. If not yet entered or none exists, display all AMR-related instructions. |