Meter & AMR Change Report (Meter Installation Report)
The Meter Installation Report returns data relating to the installation of a meter.
Search Parameters:
Date From / To: The date period in which an advice was created.
Processed Date From / To: The date period the advice was processed in the system.
Advice Type: The type of advice that was created.
Rate Type: The meter rate type used for billing purposes.
DMA: A District Metered Area (Optional)
Include child DMAs: Include/exclude sub DMAs.
Suburb: The suburb in which the meter install occurred (optional).
Scheme: The scheme in which the meter install occurred (optional).
Private Meters: Choose whether to exclude, include, or only show Private Meters.
Supply Meters: Choose whether to exclude, include or only show Supply Meters.
Trade Waste Meters: Choose whether to exclude, include or only show Supply Meters.
Public Registration: Whether the meter has a registration in the public facing system.
Worker Variations: Only show or exclude worker variations (optional).
Report Information Type: The preference of any extra information to be included in the report.
Account Type and Water Use Type can be added as a search parameter to this report - Configurable on request
NOTE: Not selecting a value will return all information associated with the meter install.
Once all the desired fields are entered, click “Search” to generate the report. If you would like to exit the report, click “Back”, to go back to the Reporting Menu. To export the results to a comma separated file, click ‘CSV Export’.
Result Columns:
Assessment No: The identifier of the assessment associated with the meter install.
Property Parcel Ref: The water utility/council sourced unique property identifier.
Property Street Number: The street number of the property associated with the meter install.
Property Street: The street name of the property associated with the meter install.
Property Suburb: The suburb of the property associated with the meter install.
Meter/AMR Latitude: The decimal latitude of the meter install.
Meter/AMR Longitude: The decimal longitude of the meter install.
Meter Advice Type: The advice type of the install (e.g. REPLACE, INSTALL, REMOVE).
AMR Advice Type: The advice type of the AMR (e.g. REPLACE, INSTALL, REMOVE).
Old Meter No: The meter number of the old meter that was replaced or removed.
Old Meter Size: The inlet size of the old meter.
Old Meter Make/Model: The make/model of the old meter.
Old Meter Remove Date/Time: The date and time that the old meter was removed.
Final Meter Read: The final meter read taken when the old meter was removed.
New Meter No: The meter number of the new meter that was installed.
New Meter Size: The inlet size of the new meter that was installed.
New Meter Make/Model: The make/model of the new meter.
New Meter Install Date/Time: The date and time that the new meter was installed.
Start Meter Read: The meter reading taken when the Meter was installed.
Old AMR No: The tag identifier of the old AMR.
Old AMR Make/Model: The make/model of the old AMR.
Old AMR Remove Date/Time: The date and time at which the old AMR was removed.
New AMR No: The tag identifier of the new AMR
New AMR Install Date/Time: The date and time at which the new AMR was installed.
AMR Meter No: The water meter on which the AMR was installed.
User Created: The user that completed the advice.
Source: The source of the created advice (e.g. Device).