The Site Manager, provides a full overview of the selected site and its associated assets, as well as navigation options to alter the site and its attributes depending on security.
An example of the site manage layout is displayed here →
Sections displayed in the Site Manger Page are as follows:
Operations menu - Located top right of the Site Manager page - this provides access to all functions you are permitted access to as per your roles / security level.
Site Operations
View Site, Pits and Contacts
Modify Site
Create New Site
Print Site Summary
Pit Operations
Modify Site Pits
Create Site Pit
Asset Operations
Create Asset
Site Information - The Site Information Panel provides you with the primary means to identify what site you are currently viewing, incorporating high-level information about the site and its associated assets and parts
Sales Users Panel - This section shows the 2MT sales users assigned to this site from the security model. Listed within this control are the top 2 or 3 users, determined by their status being “primary” against a site and their basic contact details
Asset Controller Panel - The “asset controller” panel is near identical to the control of the same name used on the home dashboard. When used in the context of the Site Manager, the Asset Controller will have the following attributes in table format:
Asset Name - Default sort A-Z by asset name
Model - Can be re-sorted A-Z by asset manufacturer and model
Type - Can be re-sorted A-Z by asset type
Attached to - Can be re-sorted A-Z by the name of an attached asset. If there is no attached asset a “null” is sorted first (more information on Attached Asset below.)
Parts - Can be re-sorted by the number active parts. Does not apply to the number of 2MT parts.
30 Day Production - Can be re-sorted by the 30-day production figure. ( More information displayed below).
Pit Panel - Below the asset controller panel, the pit panel is a full-width control listing all of the pits that have been defined against a particular site. By default, this control is minimised
Attached Asset - The “Attached Asset” column now shows more information than in the variation of this control from the home dashboard.
Name - The name the attached asset (if applicable), followed by an ID controller.
Asset Manufacturer, Model - The attached asset manufacturer and model. The following are possible examples:
CAT M8050
CAT 7495
CQMS Loadstar
Asset Type - The asset type for the attached asset
Link Button - A button that, if selected will display the “Asset Manager” for this attached asset.
30-Day Production - A new column visible in the Site Manager view that will indicate the 30-day production recorded against this asset in the number of measurement units defined for the asset.
Production - The number of production units recorded
Production Unit - The associated production unit of measure for this asset (such as BCM). Note that this table may show different units of measure across different assets.
To do -
Pit Panel
Below the asset controller panel, the pit panel is a full-width control listing all of the pits that have been defined against a particular site. By default, this control is minimised.
The Pit panel contains the following attributes:
Pit Name - The name of the pit, followed by an ID number
Ramp - Ramp name
Strip / Seam - Strip or seam name
Pit Condition - Condition of the Pit
Assets - The number of assets assigned to that pit
Comments - Comments recorded against the pit. If the comments recorded are too long, the user can click on the “eye” button to view those comments.
Action - A “modify” button to connect to the modal described in Section “Modify Pits”. Note; that this is only visible for users that have the appropriate access to change pits