Selecting Batch Meter Reading from the Main Menu will open the Reading Batch Processing page.
Here, Batches are loaded into a list displaying the following information;
- Batch ID
- Complete Readings
- Batch Name
- Batch Status
- Incomplete Reading
- Select - Clicking Select will take that meters detail and historical readings and populate the Meter Reading page.
- View Readings - Selecting View Readings will display Batch readings that have been found.
- Complete - Selecting Complete will display a message to the user "Are you sure you want to mark Batch ID XXX as complete? This will allow it to be uploaded to the web server. If there are incomplete Batch Readings then these will not be uploaded, but will be cleared and automatically moved to a new batch. IMPORTANT: Please note that uploading this Batch will cause any permanently removed from this device"
How to complete a Meter reading batch;
This works exactly the same way as advice's where all meters need to be completed before the batch is marked as completed, otherwise the only way to complete a batch is to mark it as complete.
When synced back to the server, this then allows other field staff to take up the batch with the "left over" meters