This section will allow the user to change the FAQ content which is displayed on the mobile application. This is a single form listing all FAQs configured in the system, which can either be edited via a modal control, deleted or a new item created.
Panel Contents:
The contents of the panel will be an enquiry view listing all currently configured FAQs, with an operations menu to change each item.
- FAQ Name - The name of the FAQ, such as “Discoloured Water”.
- Date Last Changed - The date and time when the item was last changed.
- Operations Menu - View, Modify and delete (depending on user roles).
Create New FAQ
The “Create New FAQ” option will trigger a modal to capture these details. All FAQs will have the following attributes to be entered:
- FAQ Name - A text box for the name of the FAQ, such as “Discoloured Water”.
- Key Image - An image upload control. This is optional, but should be validated as a valid image.
- Content - A basic HTML control that will allow for any of the following formatting types:
- Paragraph Text
- Headings Level 1, 2 and 3
- Bulleted List
- Numbered List
- Hyperlink
- Publish Date - A date control that will be the date that the new FAQ is published, which will allow the user to make a new FAQ but delay it going live. This date will default to today’s date.
- will close the modal without committing the notification
- button will commit the changes.