Pricing and material numbers may be configured for a company and a site using the Create Default Price and material numbers screen and can be accessed via View Product page. See an example here →
As per the example image, the product name and part number are displayed at the top of the modal.
Fields to populate on the form are as follows;
Company - Mandatory. In response to a selection, the site list should be updated.
Site - Mandatory. Defaults to “ALL SITES” but will list every other site for the selected company.
Material Number - Optional. A material number is the company or site’s unique part number for this part from their sales or asset system and is used on some reports that are sent to the company or site
Default Price - Optional, but must be a valid number.
Note that whilst the material number and default price are optional, one of these fields must contain a valid value since when this form is saved. If both fields are null, the modal should will display an error: (raised a bug here) .