This portlet lists all accounts associated with the DMA
. The portlet displays the following information
- Street: The property/account street name.
- Suburb: The property/account suburb.
- Account: The number of accounts that are assigned within the group. For more information about the account, click the icon.
- Meters: The number of water meters assigned to the account. For more information about the meters, click the icon.
- AMRs: The number of AMRs assigned to accounts within the group. For more information about the AMRs, click the first icon.
- Meters w/o AMRs: The number of meters that don’t currently have an AMR attached. For meter information, click the icon.
- 7-Day Avg/Asmt: The 7-day average consumption rate for the account.
- Edit: This allows the user to edit account information relative to the DMA (see Figure 117).