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The Supplier Information dashboard provides a read-only view of the selected supplier’s information. Through the items listed in the operations menu, this page provides further options for the creation, modification or removal of supplier information.

The operations menu facilitates creation, modification and removal of supplier information as well as supplier contact and model management.

Supplier Dashboard

MODIFY the Supplier

To modify the supplier details, select “MODIFY This Supplier” from the Operations menu. This will cause the page fields to become editable. Select Cancel to return the page to read only or Save to save the modified details.

448px600pxMODIFY the Supplier

DELETE the Supplier

To remove the supplier, select “DELETE This Supplier” from the Operations menu. This will cause a popup Modal to open. This Modal will detail the impact removing the supplier will have and provide extra options for managing Contacts and Models once the Supplier is deleted. To delete the Supplier, confirm the action with the check box at the bottom of the window, then click the Confirm button. This will then remove the Supplier and return you back to the Supplier Search page.

DELETE the Supplier