Selecting to Create a new Advice from the main menu opens a Process Advice form.
Here, you are able to search for Applications and Properties as well as create a new Advice without pre-populating data.
Fields on the Process Advice form are as follows:
- Reference -
- Meter Change - drop down containing the following options;
- None
- Install
- Replace
- Reinstall
- Remove
- AMR Change - drop down containing the following options;
- None
- Install
- Replace
- Reinstall
- Remove
- Property -
- Date - Opens a new form where you are able to select the day, month and year
- Complete JSA button - opens the Job Safety Analysis form
- Comments - Free text
The form will expand based on what is selected in the Meter and AMR change fields.
- Cancel button - closes the form and doesn't save any data entered - You are returned to the Main Menu
- Validate - Executes the validation on all fields entered and will present a new modal containing any errors and Warnings
- Save and New - Saves the job and moves to the next (if in context of a batch job).