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This section will explain what to do when the Meter Reading Export Report contains Exceptions. 

There are five reasons for an exception. 

When the Meter Number AMR is flagged within the Exception Reason Column of the Meter Reading Export Report, it means the Meter itself has an issue. They will fall into one of the following three categories: 

  • The Meter is Flagged for Investigation
  • The Meter is in Exception
  • The Meter is QuarantinedAn automatic reading was possible, but AMR has been flagged for investigation
  • An automatic reading was possible, but AMR is marked as being in exception
  • An automatic reading was possible, but AMR is quarantined

If the Meter itself isn't the issue, then a message in the Exception column will state "No manual or automatic reading was possible within the reporting period" and it will be due to one of the following reasons: 

  • There is no Manual Meter Reading within the Billing and Tolerance date, days back
  • There is no Usage Recorded (including zero L/hr) between the Billing date and Tolerance date, days back

An automatic reading was possible, but AMR has been flagged for investigation

An automatic reading was possible, but AMR is quarantined

No manual or automatic reading was possible within the reporting period

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IF An automatic reading was possible, but AMR has been flagged for investigation - Look up the Meter number and check the Meter Property Dashboard notes. . There you will see a note that the AMR has been flagged alongside an Image Addedicon.

You will need to resolve the exception manually - Follow this guide  enter link here. To do this Click on the Image Addedicon beside the AMR information. A popup window will open. 

Here, you can Remove the Flag for Investigation.

Click Save remove the flag. Regenerate the Meter Reading Export report - this particular record is now removed from the exceptions list. 

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IF An automatic reading was possible, but AMR is quarantined - Go to Reading's Exception Management Report to resolve the exceptionIF 

IF An automatic reading was possible, but AMR is marked as being in exception