Selection of a product for the purposes of viewing or editing the product is typically initiated through the search process which will then open the View Product modal.
You can also access the View Product modal when you select a part from under an asset and click the View Product button at the top of the form.
The View Product modal is split into the following sections;
Product Information (Name of the product with an ID).
Product No - The product number for the part
2MT Product - Either “Yes” or “No” depending on if this product is made or sold by 2MT. A glyph is shown accordingly next to this text, being either red circle or the 2MT product icon.
Common Name - The common name for the part
Default Price - The default price for the part if it exists in the system.
Manufacturer - The manufacturer code (bold) and manufacturer name
Serial Number - The part serial number
New / Refurbished - New or refurbished icon
Target Life - The target life formatted swatchA2 and the unit of production for the part (such as BCM
Weight - The weight of the product
Equivalent 2MT Product - This field will only appear if the product itself is not a 2MT product. It will state the product part number (swatchA2) and the product name with an information button which, when pressed, will open the “View Product” modal.
Product Category - The product category for this part
Product Category Key Fields
A product will have additional data fields configured based on the type of product. Those types are defined within the system constants - This section is collapsed by default
The following is displayed for all key fields within the product category for this product
Field Name - The name of the field defined against the product category
Description - The description of the key field defined against the product category
Value - The value recorded for this product. Any key fields with a type of “text” will show the value in quotes as per the example
For more detailed explanation on how to set up the Product Category Key Fields click here
Product Images, Documents and Links - As per Images, Documents and Links
This section allows the user to view images, documents or links associated with the product. Defined previously Depending on permission they may be able to add new items or delete existing items. This section is collapsed by default.
Default Prices and Material Numbers
This section lists all prices and material numbers configured against each site and company.
Create Default Price & Material Numbers
The following is displayed for all additional prices or material numbers configured in the system;
Company - The company name
Site - The site
Site Select - A button that will close this modal and open the “Site Manager” as described here
Material No - The material number configured for this product at this site. Note that this may be null
Default Price - The default price configured for this product at this site. Note that this may be null.
Edit Button - If the user has the appropriate permission, an edit button will appear that will open the modal Edit Default Price / Material Number Modal
Active Parts
This section provides a simple report listing all of the active parts across all sites and assets in the system.
Cancel button - closes the view product Modal
Edit This Product button - Opens the edit product page