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The following page contains information regarding the Customer Sign up and Property Registration process in MiWater Public.

Property Registration

The property registration form currently looks like this :

Customer Signup

By default, the customer signup form appears as it is shown on the right.

There is an option available in settings called “showDateOfBirth”. This can be used to show or hide the “Date of Birth” field if you decide that you don’t require it. This is the only customisation available on that form.

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Property Registration

By default, the property registration form appears as it is shown on the right. Your are able to show and hide a number of fields on this form in order to customise the information that users are required to provide when registering a property in the customer portal.

The following options are available within MiWater Aqualus Water for configuration of this form:

  • enableTenantRegistrationsAllows you Provides the option for users to register as a tenant against a property (on by default).

  • showAddRegistrationThirdPartyAuthorityIndicates that the user signing is a Provides the option for users to indicate that they have third party authority (on by default).

The other configurable option is whether property registrations should be automatically processed or manually processed. This can be configured in MiWater via the system constant “enableAutomaticRegistrationProcessing”.

  • If “enableAutomaticRegistrationProcessing” is set to false, then every customer registration will need to be verified by a council staff member. The only exception is where “enableTenantRegistrations” (described above) is turned on. In these cases, the owner or agent confirms tenants.

  • If “enableAutomaticRegistrationProcessing” is set to true, then a process of automatic verification begins.

The following fields are configurable/ available as property registration fields :

  • enableTenantRegistrations”: Allows you to register as a tenant against a property waterNoticeName”: The name of water notices displayed to the user.

  • showAddRegistrationRateableValue”: Show or hide property valuation field for the user (on by default)

  • rateableValueName”: Used to name the above field according to its rateable value name. (Valuation “Valuation” by default)

  • showAddRegistrationAddress”: Show /hide address filed (not sure why anyone would ever do this – or hide address field for the user (on by default)

  • showAddRegistrationAssessmentNumber”: Show or hide assessment number for the user (on by default)

  • showAddRegistrationSignupCode”: Show /or hide the signup code for the user (off by default)

  • showAddRegistrationMeterCode”: Show or hide the meter code for the user (off by default)

  • showAddRegistrationCheckDigit”: Show or hide assessment check digit for the user (off by default)

  • showAddRegistrationAccountName”: Show /or hide account mode name for the user (only works in account mode, off by default)

  • showAddRegistrationAccountNumber”: Show /or hide account number for the user (only works in account mode, off by default)

  • showAddRegistrationAssessmentNumber”: Show/hide assessment number (on by default)

  • showAddRegistrationCheckDigit”: Show/hide assessment check digit (off by default)

  • showAddRegistrationRateableValue”: Show/hide property valuation (on by default)

  • showAddRegistrationThirdPartyAuthority”: Indicates that the user signing is a third party authority. (on by default)

  • waterNoticeName”: The name of water notices.

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Stage 1: MiWater

The other configurable option is whether property registrations should be automatically processed or manually processed. This can be configured in Aqualus Water via the system constant “enableAutomaticRegistrationProcessing”.

  • If “enableAutomaticRegistrationProcessing” is set to false, then every customer registration will need to be verified by a council staff member. The only exception is where “enableTenantRegistrations” (described above) is turned on. In these cases, the owner or agent confirms tenant access.

  • If “enableAutomaticRegistrationProcessing” is set to true, then a process of automatic verification begins. The two stages of automatic property registration are described below.

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The Automatic Property Registration Process

Stage 1: Aqualus Water checks for an exact match to the fields provided by the user.

This is a mandatory check performed on all registration requests when “enableAutomaticRegistrationProcessing” is set to true. Any fields that have been “shown” above will be checked in the data provided in the DLT.

BPay Registration Number” is

For example, if “showAddRegistrationAssessmentNumber” and “showAddRegistrationSignupCode” are set to true…

  • The assessment number entered by the user will be matched against the “

  • assessmentNofield provided in the DLT for the property that they are requesting access to.

Property Number” is
  • The sign-up code entered by the user will be matched against the “

  • registrationSignupCodefield provided in the DLT for the property that they are requesting access to.

Stage 2:


Aqualus Water checks for a match between the user’s sign up details (name, DOB, email, phone etc) and the customer details in the DLT for the property that they are requesting access to.

This second stage check is optional and can be turned on and off via the system constant “autoApproveRegistrationCustomerRecordRequired”.

By default a “match” occurs when 2 or more of the items on the following list match what the user has entered. The number of items that constitute a match is controlled by the system constant



  • First Name” is matched against the “customerGivenName” field provided in the DLT for the property that the user is requesting access to.

  • Last Name” is matched against the “customerSurname” field provided in the DLT for the property that the user is requesting access to.

  • Phone Number” is matched against the “customerHomePhone” field provided in the DLT for the property that the user is requesting access to.

  • Mobile Number” is matched against the “customerMobilePhone” field provided in the DLT for the property that the user is requesting access to.

  • Email Address” is matched against the “customerEmail” field provided in the DLT for the property that the user is requesting access to.

  • Date of Birth” (if enabled via “showDateOfBirth” mentioned above) is matched against the

  • dateOfBirthfield provided in the DLT for the property that the user is requesting access to.

NOTE: If this second stage is enabled then the quality of your customer data within the DLT needs to be fairly high.

At this point in time, MWRC has not provided

If fields such as customer phone, mobile, email or date of birth


have not been provided within the tblCustomers tab of the DLT,



only fields that we would

Aqualus Water will only be able to confirm a match on

would be

using first name and last name.

If the user’s registration can not be processed automatically then it will be put into a queue of requests for manual verification.