System Tables
There are a range of options for system table configuration within the Aqualus Water Customer staff portal -
- tblSysConstants: This screen provides a range of options for customising the names and terms used within MiWater Public.
- tblSysEmailsCustomisation: This screen provides a range of options for customising emails that are sent to customers.
- tblSysInstructions: This screen provides a range of options for customising the instructions that are displayed to customers on different forms within the system.
- tblSysNews: This screen provides the opportunity to create news items that are displayed to customers.
- tblSysPageHeaders: This screen provides options for customising the display name for forms within the system.
- tblSysRateTypes: This option provides the ability to customise rate types and visibility of hourly reporting data for those rate types.
- tblSysTermsAndConditions: The screen provides the ability to customise the terms and conditions for system use that are displayed to the customer.
- tblSysWaterSavingTips: This screen provides the ability to customise water saving tips that are displayed to the customer.
Click the Modify button adjacent to the section that you wish to configure.
The following system table options are available:
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