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In the Asset Bulk Part Change form - when the user selects a part - using the check box in the left column under Parts management, the bulk change part buttons become enabled.

When one or a number of parts are selected to be “removed” the user will be presented with a modal exampled here →

The modal will list all of the parts that were selected from the previous screen and present a form to allow the user to specify what is to happen to the selected parts.

The modal is called Remove and Park Parts.

Section layout is similar to other modals in SAM2 in that the Asset and Site information is displayed at the top.

  • Parts to be Removed section - contains the parts you picked when selecting parts in the Asset Bulk Change form.

  • Action to Perform section - two radio buttons, Remove Parts and *Undo Original Part fitting.

    • When *this option is selected a different form is presented prompting you to confirm the UNDO of an original part fitting. see the example here →

This function will completely remove the selected part(s) and remove all history of the part against this asset. This function should only be performed if the original fitting was in error. It cannot be reversed.

Part Removal Form

This section will appear if the “Remove Part(s)” radio is selected - as per example ->


Description & Functionality

Date Removed

A date control for when the part was removed

Reason Removed

A select box to define why the part was removed. Mandatory.

Note that unlike SAM1, this list of reasons cannot be altered by the user, but managed by the administrator through system configuration.


The number of hours downtime attributed to this removal process. Right-aligned with “Hours” as a postfix controller Mandatory. Can be zero.

Assign Downtime

Lists all parts and allows the user to select one of those selected parts to assign all downtime. Not Mandatory. *Only assign down time to one part.

Park Parts?

Check box - Checked by default. If checked

Drop down box defaulted to No. If Yes is selected, then the “Store Area” will be made visible

. If not checked, when saved, the removed parts cannot be used again


Store Area

Mandatory if “Park parts” is


Yes. Lists all store areas (previously “parks”)

Note that this list of store / parks can only be changed by an approved user.


To be used for any comments recorded against the part removal.

Image Removed

Notes re: Downtime and Store Item fields in this page (and replace parts)

If Park parts is changed to be Yes, Store area is shown and is mandatory.
Downtime can default to zero
Down time parts drop down is not mandatory

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Rules are as follows:

  • Downtime default to zero and mandatory. 

  • Down time parts drop down (Assign Downtime) is not mandatory if Downtime = 0.

  • Down time parts drop down (Assign Downtime) is mandatory if Downtime > 0.

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