The Service requests function allows the staff user you to review service requests that have been raised for the purposes of investigating the issue and eventually actioning that request. This functionality is not intended to replace existing job / work request processes, but to capture the request and provide sufficient information so that it can be migrate to other systems (either within Civica Authority or another system). Still, because the service request originated from the customer via the mobile application, it is important that the completion of that request is recorded in the system with the response sent back to the customer.
Service Request Search
The service request search and the search results form part of a 2-tab panel, with the “filters” tab active when the search parameters are being entered, and the “Service Request Results” tab active when results are displayed. Results may alternatively be requested to be provided by location.The following applies to all searching in this section.
The elements of the search form are defined as follows;
Customer Information (expanded by default)
- Status - A select box with the following options:
- ALL (default)
- Open Requests
- Completed Requests
- Request Type - A select box listing all request types. The null option is selected by default.
- Request Date - A date range control, defaulting to null. Presets include:
- Last 7 Days
- Last 14 Days
- Last 30 Days
- Last 60 Days
- Last 90 Days
- Last Full Month
- Suburb - A multi-select box for all suburbs configured for the instance.
- Show Results As - A single select box, listing the different export options as being:
- Screen Report (default)
- CSV File
- Map (where the user selects the option to view all service requests on a map, those results
will be displayed using the coordinates of each request that was submitted. This variant will also allow the user to
return to the “filters” tab.)
User Attributes (Collapsed by default)
- Name - A free text box.
- User Type - A single select box listing the different types of users as:
- All (default)
- Individuals
- Organisations
- Guest Users? - A tri-state checkbox, defaulting to “null” meaning that all users are included.
The 'Back' button will return the user to their previous page
The 'Apply Filters' button will execute the search