Bulk Customer Notification Upload

Bulk Customer Notification Upload

This allows the user to upload a CSV file containing notification information associated with a Customer. Select the link within the Bulk Customer Notification Upload page to download a template of the CSV file to upload.

Within the CSV template the following columns exist:

Assessment Number

Meter Code

Notification Type Code

Notification Method Type Code


Customer Type

Assessment Number

Meter Code

Notification Type Code

Notification Method Type Code


Customer Type

Assessment number to assign the notification to.

OPTIONAL - Meter code to link the notification to.

The type of notification, you may choose from the following options:

  • HIGH-CONSUMPTION-DAY: High Daily Consumption Alert

  • HIGH-CONSUMPTION-WEEK: High Weekly Consumption Alert

  • INCORRECT-READING: Incorrect Reading Request Processed

  • LEAK-ALERT: Leak Alert
    SYSTEM System Note

The method in which the notification was sent, you may choose from the following options:

  • CALLFAIL: Call Attempted But Failed

  • EMAIL: Email

  • FAX: Fax

  • LETTER: Letter

  • MAIL: Mail

  • MEET: In-Person Meeting

  • NOTE: Generic Note

  • PHONE: Phone Call

  • PHONEVM: Phone Call (Voice Mail)

  • SMS: SMS

The time in which the notification was sent, this must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (24 hour format)

The type of user the notification is associated to, this can be either of the following: