Create Customer
Customers and Owners
The following Search parameters can be populated to find customer and owner data;
- Owner / Customer Name - Part or all of the customer's name. This field will be searched against all names of individual customers and company names
- External Key Ref - The key reference used for the customer record within other companion systems
- Linked Property - To filter on a current or past association for the customer to a specific property, enter all or part of that address here
- Linked Water Account No - To filter on a current or past association for the customer to a specific water account, enter all or part of that water account number here
- Customer Company Flag - Select this checkbox to filter on only customer records
Search results contain the following data:
- Name and External key ref
- Contact details
- Phone
- Mobile
- Postal Address
- Current Associated Assessments
- Operations menu
- View / Modify and Delete item
The manage companion data section is available to users with system administrator access only.
If new data is required for the Customers and Owners group, you are able to access the form via either the Manage Companion Data - Customers and Owners Search and Search results screens.
On entry to the create Customer form, you are presented with three sections to populate;
Customer Details
- Formatted Name - The full formatted name of the customer
- Given Name - The customer's given name
- Surname - The customer's surname
- Title - The customer's title
- Company? - A flag to indicate whether the customer is a company
- External Key Ref -The original identifier of the customer from the external source
- Date of Birth - The customer's date of birth - clicking will open the calendar popup to select a date from
- Do Not SMS - A flag t o indicate whether the customer receives SMS Messages or not
Contact Information (collapsed by default) - Use to expand the section
- Work Phone - The customer's work phone number
- Home Phone - The customer's home phone number
- Mobile Phone - The customer's Mobile phone number
- Email - The customer's email address
- Postal Address - The customer's postal address (Lines 1 -> 5)
- Postal Suburb - The customer's postal suburb
- Post Code - The customer's postcode
- Assessment - Association of a water account to a property
- Property - Address for the associated assessment
- Start & End Dates - Dates the association start, ended
- Action
Will add a new row to the Associations table
Delete Association / View Assessment item / View Property Item/ Redirect to Property Dashboard
Will return you to the Manage Companion Data Customers and owners search/results page
Validates and Saves the New customer and opens a new blank Create customer form
Validates and Saves the new customer and redirects you to the Manage Companion Data - Customers and Owners
© Tyeware Pty Ltd 2019