Data Continuity Report

Data Continuity Report

The Data Continuity report provides the user with information regarding the quality of data received from AMRs. The data is presented, grouped by suburb and percentage value.

The data quality percentages are based on the expected number of pulses for the associated model of AMR tag stored against the AMR model.


Search Parameters:

  • Date From/To: The time period over which the report will be generated.

  • Suburb: Limits report results to a selected suburb (optional).

  • Scheme: Limits report results to a selected scheme (optional) .

  • DMA: A District Metered Area (optional).

    • Include child DMAs: Include/exclude sub DMAs.

  • AMR Installation Type: The type of AMR installation performed (i.e. standard or non-standard).

  • Inclusions/Exclusions: Tri-state checkboxes allowing you to: Exclude, Include or Only show a particular type of installation. (Set to Exclude by default).

    • Private Meters: Meter installations that are associated with a Private Metered Network.

    • Supply Meters: Meters that supply a Private Metered Network.

      • Trade Waste Meters: Meters that are associated with a Trade Waste Network.

    • Deactivated Meters: Meters that were deactivated during or prior to the reporting period.

    • Deactivated AMRs: AMRs that were deactivated during or prior to the reporting period.

    • Public Registrations: Meters that have an associated registration in the public system.

  • Account Type and Water Use Type can be added as a search parameter to this report - Configurable on request

NOTE: Not all of these tri-state checkboxes may be visible for your instance. This is intentional, as only the checkboxes relating to enabled features will be shown.

For example, if there is no associated public instance, the Public registrations checkbox will not be shown.

  • Inclusion Type: Allows for filtering based on a list of unique identifiers (e.g. meter codes) for the following values: Water Meters, AMRs, Schemes or Suburbs.

  • Inclusions: Holds either a comma or semi-colon (“,” or “;”) separated list of values associated with the chosen inclusion type.

This report allows for the user to either export the results or to display the them to screen. Once the report parameters have been set, click the “Search” button to the report. The results include a per suburb breakdown of the data quality of AMRS in that suburb, as well as the number of meters and AMRS. A calculated percentage of meters with AMRs for each suburb is also provided. To export the results, you can either click the “Export CSV” button on the search parameters panel at the top of the page, or you can export the results by finding a similar Export CSV button at the bottom of the results panel.

To return to the reporting menu or previous page, click the “Back” button shown at the bottom of the search parameters panel or at the bottom of the results panel.

NOTE: The date range of the report is by default, one month. It is possible to increase the date range to show longer periods, however it is recommended to run the report in smaller blocks if a long period is required, as large reporting periods can increase the time it takes for the report to generate.


Clicking on the value links shown in the Data Continuity report will open a new browser tab containing the appropriate report, leaving the original browser tab with the Data Continuity report open. From these extra browser tabs, clicking the “back” buttons shown on each page will close the tab. 

Result Columns:

  • Suburb: The suburb that the AMR is in.

  • Calculated Data Quality as Percentage: The data bands provide an indication of the overall data continuity of a suburb. Each data band (other than 0% and 100% is configurable via the system constants. For more details on configuring the values and also more information on what each percentage value equates to in a number of pulses per day, see 0 Configuring Data Continuity Data Bands.

  • Percentage values (0 – 100%): Each band represents a specific range of data quality for each suburb.

  • Percentage over 70%: This value represents the number of tags that are reporting with an average data quality of over 70%

  • Totals: Displays summarised totals for each of the following –

    • Total AMRs: The total number of AMRs that are currently installed in a suburb.

    • Total Meters: The total number of water meters that are currently installed in a suburb.

    • Percentage with AMR: The percentage total of water meters with an installed AMR.


Each report has a calculated “total” row at the bottom, this row contains the total value for each column.

Each of the Calculated Data Quality Percentage columns and Total AMRs column links to the Data Continuity Drilldown report. The Data Continuity Drilldown report contains a list of the raw data that was used to calculate the values shown in the Data Continuity report. For more details, see 0 Data Continuity Drilldown Report.

The Total Meters column has similar links, but to the Comprehensive Meter and AMR report. Please note however, that when including deactivated Meters and/or AMRs, the number of results shown in the Data Continuity report may not match up with that shown in the Data Continuity report. This is because the Comprehensive Meter and AMR report is focused on providing current Meter and AMR details rather than values that might be considered historic.