DMA Summary Report
This page reports on DMAs across the water network. The following search parameters and result fields apply.
Search Parameters:
Scheme: The DMA’s scheme.
Report Start Date: Report start date.
Report End Date: Report end date.
Report Month: Report period month.
Report Year: Report period year.
Result Columns:
DMA: The name of the DMA.
Network Meters: The number of linked network meters.
Meters: The number of associated rateable (internal) meters.
Total Production: The aggregate net inflows into the DMA within the reporting period.
Total Raw Consummation: The aggregate consumption of the DMA determined by the aggregate consumption of all rateable internal meters within the reporting period.
Total Loss: The difference between the DMA net flow and the adjusted consumption.
Total Loss %: The difference between the DMA net flow and the adjusted consumption as a percentage.
Data Quality: The number of AMR pulses received during the period vs the expected number of pulses during the period for AMR’s attached to meters within the DMA.