Manage Trade Waste Networks
The trade waste meter management form allows the user to search for a trade waste network.
Search Parameters:
Address: An address that is associated with the network.
Suburb: The suburb that one of the network’s accounts is in.
Sewer Scheme: The sewerage scheme that the network is assigned to.
Meter No: A meter number that is associated with the network.
AMR No: An AMR number that is associated with the network.
Result Columns:
Name: The name of the trade waste network, the network ID and the network address.
Customer: The network administrator.
Meters: The number of supply, waste in and waste out meters.
7-Day In Flow: The total water inflow (sum of supply meter inflow) into the TWN for the previous 7 days. A red or green arrow will indicate whether this flow is greater or less than the 7 days prior.
7-Day Consumption: The total consumption of all non-supply meters within the TWN for the previous 7 days. A red or green arrow will indicate whether this consumption is greater or less than the 7 days prior.
7-Day Loss: This figure represents the inflow (supply meter) – actual network usage (non-supply meter consumption) for the previous 7 days. This figure is useful for determining how much water enters a TWN vs how much is actually consumed. The difference is referred to as loss. Loss is also displayed as a percentage of the water supplied to the TWN. A red or green arrow will indicate whether the loss is greater or less than the 7 days prior.
Operations: Hover over this button to view the available operations for the TWN