Network Meters Portlet
This portlet contains information relating to the network meters associated with the DMA. The following information is listed in the portlet;
- Name: The name of the network meter. To view more information, click the icon.
- AMR No: The code of the AMR attached to the meter. To view more information, click the icon.
- Flow: This indicates the relative flow of the meter. Indicates negative flow.  Indicates a positive flow.
- Last Data: The date and time data was last received from the AMR.
- Estimated Reading: The current meter reading estimate based on the latest AMR data received.
- 7-Day Relative Flow: Relative Flow through the meter within a 7-day period, as compared to the previous 7-day period.
- 30-Day Flow: Water usage over the last 30 days depicted as a bar graph.
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