Meter Reading Exception Reporting
This report is used to indicate which batches currently contain unresolved exceptions. This specifically includes meters that had to be skipped or meters where a new trouble code has been entered which previously did not exist. This report contains the following search parameters and result columns
Search Parameters:
Date From: If specified, the completion date of the batch must be after or on to this date.
Date To: If specified, the completion date of the batch must before or on this date.
Suburb: The suburb to which the batch relates.
User Completed: The user that completed the batch.
Runs: A list of run numbers to include on the report. This list can be separated by a semicolon, comma, or space.
Inclusions: Facilitates the inclusion of exceptions columns on the report.
Result Columns:
Run/Seq: The run and sequence number of the reading. Note that if the selected order is the “Order of Upload” these may not be in order.
Meter: The meter code with an information icon linking to the “Meter Information” popup.
AMR: The AMR attached to the device (if it exists). The information icon will link to the “AMR Information” popup.
Address: The partial address of the property (excluding postcode and state) with the assessment number. Clicking on the information icon will redirect to the property’s dashboard.
Skip Code: If a skip code has been entered, this code is displayed with the system description of the skip.
Trouble Code: A code referring to a trouble/hazard.
Message: If a message has been entered by the user it is displayed here.
Timestamp: The date and time when the reading or skip occurred.