This modal control will allow the user to modify the fitting of a single part (in place). An example of this modal control is provided here →
Product Information
The top portion of the panel contains generic information about the product.
Configure Fitting to Asset
The form itself allows the user to modify the current fitting particulars for the part. It mirrors the similar form to add a part form but does not allow for the modification of some elements that are set at the point when a part is fitted.
Information in the configure fitting to asset form is as follows:
Serial Number - The part’s serial number can be manually altered.
Position - A select box to specify the position of the part
Assembly - A select box with a list of assemblies configured for the asset.
Sub- Assembly - A select box with the list of sub-assemblies associated with the assembly
Date Fitted - A read only field, The date fitted cannot be altered – the part must be changed as part of a “bulk add” processThis field is able to be changed to a date in the past or todays date but not a date in the future.
Date Removed - (Read only) only populated when removed
Target Life - Right-aligned text containing the default production target life of the part from the product list but can be updated if necessary here. The unit of measure shown in the postfix is determined by the product. Mandatory
Production - Displays the total production recorded against this part and percentage.
Cost - cost of the part. Optional (set to zero)
Weight - weight of the part. Defaults to the weight from the product catalogue. Optional.
Notes - A general comments control for notes associated with the fitting of the part to the asset.
A notice is shown at the bottom of the form advising the user that changes made to the fitting must first be committed via the function “Bulk part change out”.
Sub section - Part Fitting History - Collapsed by default
This section shows past and projected future production for a part based on projections that have been recorded against the asset the part is (or was) attached to.
Save Changes to Part
The footer control contains the option to “Save Changes Part” which will save the selected part against the assigned asset. Once complete the user should be presented with the success animation - A green tick. Once complete, this modal should close and then reveal the “Bulk Part Changeout” form again, refreshed with the changes recorded on this modal.