When the user selects you select the “more” button against the “Devices” element in the application overview panel, this will display the modal exampled in 26, which lists all current, (and historic) device installations. Each installation is shown in an enquiry view, with a group at the bottom which is hidden by default containing all deactivated or historic installations.
The following device detail modal contains the following elements;
- Installation ID - The unique ID of the installation, a concatenation of the device ID and the install ID in large text. An ID control is visible.
- Platform - An icon to represent the platform for this installation, followed by the major and minor version numbers.
- Application Version - The GWCC application version of the this install
- Application Usage - The number of hours in that this install has been used by the user.
- Last Active - The last time the user used the application on any device.
- First Active - The first time the user used the application on any device.
- Device Name - The full device name retrieved from configuration of the application
- Notifications - An icon to indicate if at this install has notification enabled.