Selecting to View Notification History from the Operations menu for a customer user will direct the user to the 'User Full Notification History' Search page.
Here, the logged in user is able to filter information using the following search controls;
- Customer Name - A free text box for the user’s name
- User Type - A single select box, listing the different types of users as:
- All (default)
- Individuals
- Organisations
- Notification Date - A date range control with presets, defaulting to null. The presets are defined as:
- Last 7 Days
- Last 14 Days
- Last 30 Days
- Last 60 Days
- Last 90 Days
- Last Full Months
- Show Results As - A single select box, listing the different export options as being:
- Screen Report (default)
- CSV File *This row / field will not appear at all unless the user has a “customers” level of 2 or 3.
- Notification Text - A free-text field that will be used to filter the messages sent based on the content of the message.
“Notification Attributes and Status”. Group is collapsed by default.
- Status - A standard select box to filter notifications based on their status. The following options will exist:
- ALL (Default)
- Sent but not received
- Received but not opened
- Opened
Note that this applies only to push notifications.
- Method - A multi select box to filter notifications based on the method that was used for transmission. The following options will exist:
- Push Notification
- Include Guest Users - A tri-state checkbox, defaulting "Include guest users"
- Group Messages - A tri-state checkbox, defaulting to "Include group messages" True would denote “Only Group Messages”. False would denote “Only Individual messages”.