Raise a Request

Raise a Request

A user can raise a request either from the “Add Request” buttons on the historic request dashboard or from a “Reading Not Right” function within the meter tab of an account summary. *Some request types are available only to logged in users.

The full list of request types can be defined by GWCC staff through the management portal. Some types are specialized (such has “Reading Not Right) but others would be more generic. For completeness, the following table explains all request types and their requirements:




The details required to complete a service request can be quite long however and therefore the detail will most likely need to scroll vertically as per this example. 




Request Type

Available to Guest user?


Request Type

Available to Guest user?


No Water


Location Required. Images Optional. Policies link shown. Details required.

Low Water Pressure


Location Required. Images Optional. Policies link shown. Details required.

Burst Water Pipe


Location Required. Images Mandatory. Details required.

Discoloured Water


Location Required. Images Optional. Policies link shown. Details required.

Soiled or Damaged Clothing


Location Required. Images Optional Policies link shown. Details required

Meter Reading Not Right


Location Required. Image Required. Meter must be selected and the correct reading entered. Details not required and hidden.


Depending on request types, the following items and functionality will apply to this form:

Raise Service Request

Request Type and Classification section

Request Type - The request type as a select control.  

Request Policy Statement - For a request type which has a correlating policy, the text “Review Goldenfields Water Policies on this Request” will be displayed which is a hyperlink directly to the policy.

Details of Request - A free text field for the request details, depending on the request type. 

Water Meter - A drop down list with all water meters associated with the users’ profile for selection. *If arriving direction from the meters tab, the specific meter will be pre-selected. Required only for “Meter Not Right” 

Correct Reading - A numeric field to enter the Required only for “Meter Not Right”. A configurable text statement will be displayed below with text such as, “Enter the full reading of the dials on this water meter, including the red numbers”.

Location - A location control which interfaces with the device’s GPS service. Selecting this will open a map control which will allow the user to see the location selected and to reposition if required.

Contact Information -This group will only appear for “guest” users.

Your Name - A text field for the user to enter their name – necessary only for guests.

Your Phone - numeric field for the user to enter their phone number – necessary only for guests. If available, the device’s mobile number will be pre-filled here.

Your Email - A text (email) field for the user to enter their email address – necessary only for guests.

Photos For this Request - the request type demands photos, the text “(Mandatory)” will be shown otherwise the text “(Optional)” will be shown.

Images - The user can add up to 4 photos for their request using the “plus” icon. This will integrate with the mobile device’s OS functionality to either select an existing photo or to take a new photo. Once added, the user can delete the image by selecting the cross icon in the top right of the body of the image placeholder shown

Summary section

Summary - Text explanation of the request is prepared based, in part on the data entered in the request. 

Submit section - this group and its contents will only appear if mandatory fields have been entered.

Submit - A submit button.




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