The user notification history panel reveals notifications sent to the selected customer user. Only those notifications sent in the previous 3 months will be displayed here.
The user is able to directly send a notification to the user from the Customer Dashboard by selecting Send Customer a Notification window.
on the User Notification History panel. This opens theSelecting Notification History Report search page - Selecting to apply the filters and search will show all notifications for that particular customer.
will show the full list and direct the user to theThe content of the User Notification History panel is scrollable if required.
For each of the notifications listed within the User Notification History panel the following elements are displayed;
- Notification Title - The title of the notification
- Notification Type - An icon to represent the type of notification that was sent, based on the following
options: - Time sent - The full, formatted time
- Sending User - The name of the user or service that sent the notification. This is displayed with an
appropriate icon for the user type, followed by the name of the user. The possible icons for these are defined as: - Summary - The text of the notification in quotes and italics. If the length of the text exceeds 3 lines, it
will be truncated with an ellipses (three period marks): “…” - Received - A visual indicator is shown to indicator if the user has “received” the notification. Where
the user mouses over these indicators, a suitable tooltip is shown, using the
following text as a reference. The following variations are may occur: - Opened - The “opened” indicator functions identically to the “received” indicator, using the
“received” icon. For single notifications, the following tool-tip text is shown:
Each of these items is selectable. When selected the full details of the notification will be displayed in a modal control as described in View Notification