Configure Page Content / Objects

Configure Page Content / Objects

To customise the page content that is visible in some sections of Aqualus Water Customer Portal, click the Modify button that is adjacent to Configure Page Content / Objects. You will be provided with a form that provides options for each of the different content components within the site that can be customised.
To show and hide content within Aqualus Water Customer Portal, select Enable next to a particular content row, or Disable to hide the content from the site.
To modify the content that is displayed, first ensure that the selected content is enabled (fields are not greyed out). Then select the type of content that will be provided for that field. In some cases you will be able to choose “HTML”, "VIDEO" or “IMG”. In other cases you may be limited to a single option.
If HTML is selected, a textbox will be provided for you to enter a HTML snippet. The snippet that you enter should follow these guidelines -
  • Enter plain text: At the very least, simply enter your message as plain text. This will be formatted for you within the email.
  • Enter basic HTML tags only: If you do wish to enter HTML tags enter only basic formatting tags eg. <p>, <b>, <i>, <br>.
  • Do not enter HTML, body, head or style tags
  • Note that this field can also accept JavaScript and CSS

If IMG is selected, an upload box will be displayed which will allow you to provide the image of your choosing. Simply click the  button and then select an image file. Note that the image file that you provide must match the width and height dimension requirements specified (available when hovering the mouse over the upload textbox).
If VIDEO is selected, an upload box will be displayed which will allow you to provide the video of your choosing. Simply click the  button and then select a video file. Alternatively you can click on the Modify button which is adjacent to Select a Video... This will provide you with a window where you can choose from a number of previously prepared video options.
When you have made all of the desired changes click Apply Changes. This will enable the new content within Aqualus Water Customer Portal. Alternatively, click Back to return to the System Configuration menu.
At the top of the screen you will also see an Operations menu. Select View Interface Design Standards [BLUE-UI] for more information regarding site Interface Designs.

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